A Note from Pam

Dear Parishioners,
When I look back on my 35 years of ministry here at Corpus Christi University Parish two words come to mind: gratitude and privilege.
I have been blessed beyond measure in so many ways: to have a job I have loved, the people who have supported me and the friendships I have enjoyed with both permanent community members and UToledo students, to work with outstanding priests and staff, most especially Fr. Jim Bacik and to be a part of such a dynamic parish. I have also been blessed with so many privileges: guiding and advising students through the Catholic Student Association, walking with people on their faith journey
towards becoming Catholic through the R.C.I.A. program, assisting people to celebrate the lives of their loved ones who have passed away, training liturgical ministers and being part of the Building Committee who designed this beautiful church and complex.
I have so many wonderful memories of outstanding liturgies, Habitat for Humanity Spring Break trips, Toledo Symphony concerts, working along side students and attending their events, watching every day our church being built, and being a part of the Contemporary Music group, just to name a few!
I am especially grateful to all of you for the myriad of ways you make the ministry at Corpus Christ University Parish possible. For giving of your time, talent and/or treasure in support of the mission of CCUP.
Corpus Christi University Parish has not only been the place where I have worked, it has also been my community and spiritual home where, after a sabbatical, I intend to return to worship here.
With much gratitude,
Pam Meseroll