From the Pastor

Miller-Father-Jeremy-webFriends, it is has been such an incredible fall here at Corpus Christi! We have celebrated the 20th anniversary of the church building with so many wonderful events: the great music of David Haas, Luke & companions, and the Toledo Symphony, the inspiring words of Fr. Jim Bacik on what our church building says to us today, and the beautiful art exhibit featuring the Visitation Sisters. I’m not sure if we will ever be able to compete again with this lineup in the future, but we will keep trying!

I want to echo the “thank you” from last week’s bulletin regarding the Symphony. There are so many people that make it a special night and I can’t thank all of them here (cause I know I’ll forget someone!). Thank you to all who supported the Symphony with your contributions and your presence with us that evening. Thank you to the over 70 students and the many others who helped make the evening run so smoothly. We look forward to what this event has in store for us next year!

The next two weekends I will mainly be away from the parish.

This weekend, Fr. Phil Smith has all three Masses. As part of his job in the vocation’s office, he has offered to take two weekends a year at CCUP and Bowling Green St. Thomas More to be present to college students who might be thinking about a religious vocation. I know you will welcome him back! Next weekend, I will be gone for the 4:30 p.m. and 11 a.m. Masses for our annual CSA Fall Retreat at Hocking Hills. Please pray for the close to 75 students who will be attending this retreat.

In the next few weeks, we will be printing in the bulletin the annual parish report, which will show the sacramental statistics, building improvements, and financial report for the fiscal year of July 2017-June 2018.

Let us continue to pray for the tragedy at the Tree of Life Synagogue last weekend.

May peace reign in our hearts, in this country, and in the world.

Fr. Jeremy

Categories: Corpus Christi