
Below, find recent homilies/sermons from Sunday Masses:


The Most Amazing Spiritual Experience

Deacon Justin Moor: Sometimes we need a reminder that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith as Catholics.

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God’s Daily Portion for Us

Father Jeremy Miller: “Are we content with God’s daily provision for us?”

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Lavishing Leftovers

Father Jeremy Miller: “God loves to give you more than you ask for. God loves to give you leftovers, even more than what satisfies.”

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Leaders are Made

Father Jeremy Miller: “The good leader is the one who builds bridges.”

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Blueprint for Christian Discipleship

We’re all called to be disciples. Fr. Jeremy shares a blueprint for Christian Discipleship.

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Prophetic Traditions

Father Jeremy Miller: All of the heroes that we celebrate both in our national history, but also in the Christian tradition, experienced incredible rejection and resistance and often death for standing up for what they thought was right.

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Good from Bad

Deacon Justin Moor: Perhaps we’ve been slow to open the gift of humility, but quick to up the gifts of a smartphone or another smart device.

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The Problem of Evil

Father Jeremy Miller: We may never totally understand the mystery of human suffering in this life, but we know one thing for sure: God understands it as well. He is with us in the midst of our own suffering.

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The Master Gardener

Father Jeremy Miller: Things flourish more and grow better under God’s care as the master gardener rather than ours.

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Bishop Thomas visits Corpus Christi for our feast day.

Corpus Christi: The Mystery of Faith

Bishop Daniel E. Thomas: All of us are here in celebrating this 50th anniversary to do what we as Catholics do best: To announce the Holy Eucharist, the mystery to be believed, to be celebrated and to be lived.

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