
Below, find recent homilies/sermons from Sunday Masses:


Holy Trinity: The One and the Many

Father Jeremy Miller: How do you bring unity out of plurality?

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Pentecost: Holy Spirit Moments

Deacon Justin Moor: When was the last time you noticed the Holy Spirit at work in or around you?

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Ascension: Descending with Christ

Father Jeremy Miller: If we want ascend with Jesus, then we need to descend with him. We need to be willing to descend into and plumb the depths of the human experience, in order to rise above it.

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Fear of the Lord

Father Jeremy Miller: Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. To fear the Lord is the first step in realizing our place in the mission of what we’re called to be.

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Laying the Groundwork

Father Jeremy Miller: The truth is that we have to lay a really solid root system if we ever want to see the full blossoming of our efforts.

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Be a Voice and an Echo

Father Jeremy Miller: For us as Christians, part of our job is to echo the voice of the Good Shepherd with our uniqueness.

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Breaking Open Our Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: At every Mass, God breaks open his heart for us, precisely that we will have the power and strength in the coming week to break open our hearts in love of others.

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Divine Mercy Sunday: Mercy Football

Deacon Justin Moor: Experience the gift of this sacrament Jesus gave to us in today’s Gospel reading. His divine mercy is truly amazing.

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Easter Sunday: Rolling away that Stone

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus desires to do the heavy lifting when it comes to rolling away the stones of our hearts.

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Good Friday: Mourning into Dancing

Father Jeremy Miller: God is an expert at converting the cause of our downfall into the means of our elevation.

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