
Below, find recent homilies/sermons from Sunday Masses:


Bridging the Divide

Father Jeremy Miller: How do we close the gap between incongruent or disconnected parts? Religion is nothing else but the attempt to find the glue to bind together heaven and earth, God and man, and by extension that which binds us together.

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Thanksgiving: In all circumstances give thanks

Father Jeremy Miller: I think it’s a challenge for all of us to try and find what’s redeeming always in the circumstances that life throws at us.

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Jesus as Lord, as king of all creation

Father Jeremy Miller: This feast is meant to remind us that our primary allegiance is to Jesus as Lord, as king of all creation and Lord of our hearts.

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Making good, long-term decisions

Father Philip Smith: Prayer can provide stability for the stressful moments, the unexpected moments where we have to make difficult decisions.

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All Saints: We become like Him

Father Jeremy Miller: The fundamental vocation of every single Christian person is to become holy like Jesus, to become a saint.

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How to love

Father Jeremy Miller: Unless we have an authentic, healthy self-love, it hurts how we love others. We project onto our love of neighbor the ways that other people have wounded us in terms of loving us.

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Expect the unexpected

Fr. Alan Zobler O.S.F.S.: In our spiritual lives, time and again, that’s what we are asked to do as disciples.

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RSVP to the party

Father Jeremy Miller: Are we going to decline the invitation that God wants for us?

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Bad Idea Jeans

Deacon Justin Moor: Instead of rejecting Jesus from our lives, we are meant to respond by making him the foundation of our lives around which everything else is built.

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Talk can be cheap

Father Jeremy Miller: Words can make us feel more virtuous than we actually are. Humility and integrity are the remedies.

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