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Below, find recent homilies/sermons from Sunday Masses:

Rushing to Bring Joy to the World
Father Philip Smith: Many of us will have lots to do this week, but it’s important that we follow Mary’s example and keep an eye out for other people who may be in need and rush to help them when we are able.
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We’re called to be a real ambassador for mercy
Monsignor Michael Billian: We’re called to be modern day John the Baptizers in the world in which we live — in the midst of the people that we see every day — to be a real ambassador for mercy.
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Immaculate Conception: The Yes of Mary
Monsignor Michael Billian: Now Mary said yes to the Lord without even knowing exactly what she was saying yes to. She wasn’t sure about what was going to happen.
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Jubilee Year: Refocusing our Lives and Thoughts on God
Father Philip Smith: We’re encouraged today, during this great jubilee year, to commit our entire lives to doing good, to give everything we have.
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Actively Waiting for the Lord
Monsignor Michael Billian: Waiting for the Lord demands that we make the best use of our time before he comes. How do we use our time? How do we wait for him?
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Thanksgiving: Being Heroically Grateful
Father Philip Smith: God’s grace is always at work, even in the stressful situations, even in the imperfect situations, even in the difficult situations.
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King of the Rock: What kind of leaders are we?
Father Philip Smith: Following Jesus’ example of Servant Leadership
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Choosing to be Generous, not Bitter
Father Philip Smith: The only way we can transform this world is by doing good, giving of ourselves, making sacrifices, being generous even in the face of injustice, even in the face of being harshly treated by others.
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