Lenten Care Bags
Each year at Corpus Christi, parishioners fill paper bags with non-perishable food items, canned goods, paper products (to-go boxes) and hygiene items. Products for women and families are especially needed for the Toledo community. This year, donations will benefit St. Martin DePorres, YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter, Lutheran Social Services, United Way of Greater Toledo, and Martin Luther King Kitchen for the Poor.
Paper bags with the instructions above are available at CCUP, or you can fill and bring your own bag to the Classroom at Corpus Christi University Parish by Palm Sunday, March 28th. Thank you for your generosity! Please stay safe and healthy during these times. Please contact the Catholic Student Association Sojourner Committee if you have any questions are would be interested in helping deliver the bags!
Britney Siefring (britney.siefring@rockets.utoledo.edu)
Erin Dean (erin.dean2@rockets.utoledo.edu)
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