Sermons on “Luke”


Tapestry 7: Teresa of Avila

Father Jeremy Miller: Teresa wants us to pray. She wants to show us the importance and necessity of prayer, and how to pray.

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Putting Happiness On Hold

Deacon Justin Moor: When Jesus calls, do not place the call on hold. The perfect time to respond to Jesus’ call to follow him is now.

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Tapestry 6: Thomas Aquinas

Father Jeremy Miller: He’s known as a philosopher-theologian principally, but I think the primary way to see St. Thomas Aquinas is as someone who was obsessed with friendship with God.

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Tapestry 3: Monica of Tagaste

Father Jeremy Miller: The central thing we learn from Monica is that our life circumstances do not have to determine our purpose.

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Easter Vigil: From Darkness to Light

Father Jeremy Miller: It’s about progressive enlightenment, progressive illumination.

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Palm Sunday: The Example of the Second Criminal

Father Jeremy Miller: That second criminal gives us a path forward out of this human temptation I think we have to scapegoat, to deflect attention away from ourselves and carrying our cross as well.

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Coming Down the Mountain

Father Jeremy Miller: We have to be willing to come down the mountain if we are to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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We must go through the desert, if we want to reach the garden

Father Jeremy Miller: The entirety of Lent is entering into the 40 days in the desert with Jesus so that we come out on Easter a person that’s more ripe for growth, a person in the garden who’s more ripe for blossoming.

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Love your Enemies

Father Jeremy Miller: To love your enemies means to want the best for the one who’s hurt you.

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Woe to You

Fr. Alan Zobler O.S.F.S.: If you are so hung up on the things that don’t matter, the teachable moments are going to pass by you.

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