Sermons on “Luke”


Giving Witness to Christ

Monsignor Michael Billian: We pray today for the grace to endure patiently any trials that are essential to the affirmation of Jesus Christ.

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A Month to Pray for All Souls

Monsignor Michael Billian: During our lives, we approach the Lord seeking the healing for the results of our sins. When our lives on earth have ended, we depend on the prayers of those still living here in our time to continue to ask God to heal the results of sin in our lives.

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Year of Mercy: Counsel the Doubtful

Father Philip Smith: It might be our loving presence that might make the difference for them, the place that God’s mercy will work to show them the path they must follow.

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Making Room in Our Hearts for God’s Mercy

Monsignor Michael Billian: The first step for us to allow God to make a home in our hearts, for God to fill us up with his wonderful gift of mercy, is that we have to clear some of ourselves out.

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Connecting Old and Young

Father Philip Smith: Today we give thanks to the faith-filled example of people who have persevered in their faith. We can look up to them.

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Not Letting Expectations Get in the Way

Father Philip Smith: The way God heals us might not be the way we expect, it may not be the timeline we expect, but God’s power can work in miraculous way in our lives.

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Lord, Increase Our Faith

Monsignor Michael Billian: Faith and prayer go together. If we pray, our faith grows. If our faith grows, we are drawn to prayer.

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Doing God’s Work in the World

Father Philip Smith: The word of God today challenges us to live differently, not to be self-centered but to give ourselves to help those who are suffering around us.

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Forgiving Ourselves

Father Philip Smith: The question is not whether God’s going to forgive us. The question is whether we’re willing to forgive ourselves.

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Love Kindles Forgiveness

Monsignor Michael Billian: Often our close-mindedness blinds us to the possibility of reconciliation and repentance and forgiveness. And perhaps that is the lesson that’s hard most for us to learn.

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