Sermons on “Mark”


Sight without Vision

Father Jeremy Miller: There are certain things that we have to push aside if we want to have the kind of vision, the all encompassing, supernatural, spiritual vision with which Jesus sees the world.

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Speaking on St. Óscar Romero’s homily from 1979

Father Jeremy Miller: Romero is an incredible role model for us: for what it means to have authority, to be a leader and to follow Jesus.

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Pursuing Wisdom instead of Wealth

Deacon Justin Moor: When we let go our of wealth and possessions, what we find is life. We discover this life when we see our worth through the eyes of Jesus.

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Answering the call to be Prophets and Shepherds

Father Jeremy Miller: You are called to be the Eldads and the Medads in your own professions, in your own families, in your own studies, in your own work, to carry on the prophetic mission of Jesus.

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A different kind of strength and power

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus is promoting the strength that desires to get on the same level of people to lift them up.

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Good leaders are good followers of Jesus

Deacon Justin Moor: By following Jesus’ lead, we can be freed from the sin and suffering we’ve experienced and leave it buried in the grave behind us, both today in this world and for all eternity.

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Using our mouths and ears for God

Father Jeremy Miller: With our ears, we can either listen to the needs of others or not, listen to the word of God or not, and with our mouth, we can either speak the truth of things or we cannot.

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Jesus and Socrates

Father Jeremy Miller: We don’t have much control over what happens outside of us. But we do have control over what comes out from within.

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Jesus and Columbo

Father Jeremy Miller: I’ve always thought that Columbo’s approach has characteristics of incredible leadership and, in this context today will all of our readings, how to be a good shepherd.

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Being called to be missionaries

Father Jeremy Miller: Today we are called like Saint Kateri in our own world, in our own way, to spread the message of Jesus.

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