Sermons on “Matthew”


Three Ways to be a Better Listener

Father Philip Smith: Listening is what builds intimacy. It bonds people together. Even when we disagree with other people, it helps us understand where they’re coming from.

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Exercising our Spiritual Hearts

Monsignor Michael Billian: Just as the heart muscle benefits from exercise so our spiritual hearts benefit from the Lenten observances and practices.

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Ash Wednesday: Relying on God for Strength

Father Philip Smith: We can’t ever do it all, only God can do it all. We’re weak. We need each other for help and support.

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God Will Provide

Monsignor Michael Billian: Let today find us at peace, our trust firmly in the one who does not forget us. And let our role in life be to bring calmness and reassurance to all those lives we touch today!

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The Pressure to be Perfect

Father Philip Smith: Jesus is inviting us to show perfect love in the midst of imperfect life situations.

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Jesus, Hair Dye and the Christian Life

Father Philip Smith: Over time and with some patience, God can completely transform the way we act, the way we live in the world.

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Transforming Failure into Positive Change

Father Philip Smith: When we fail, we can step back and we can put our lives in perspective and look at what really might need to change and what we can do differently.

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Father Philip Smith: Usually when things are fun and comfortable and exciting, we say we’re blessed, but when life is hard, unfair and painful, we hardly feel blessed at all.

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Praying for Vocations

Monsignor Michael Billian reflects on his own call to the priesthood.

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Epiphany: Welcoming All Peoples

Monsignor Michael Billian: Christ came for all nations, for all peoples. And if we are ambassadors for Christ in the world, then we too need to be prepared to welcome all peoples as well.

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