Sermons on “Matthew”


The Nature of Faith

Father Jeremy Miller: Faith is a kind of evidence. It’s different than physical evidence. It’s a relational evidence in which we believe the one who asks us to believe in them because they have a track record of making themselves believable.

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Understanding the Big Picture

Monsignor Michael Billian: There is something about the clarity of studying the big picture in order to understand what happens in the small things of life.

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The Hidden Treasure of Prayer

Father Jeremy Miller: Prayer is meant to change our heart. Prayer is not meant to change God’s mind. God already knows what you need.

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Weeds Among the Wheat

Monsignor Michael Billian: It’s God’s job to do the judging. Let him do his work while we do our best to till the gardens of our lives and care for them.

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What is Your Heart Made of?

Father Jeremy Miller: The challenge of Jesus today is to diagnose ourselves and to say, “Where do I need to work on my own heart so that when God plants a seed, it flourishes?”

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Being True Disciples of Christ

Monsignor Michael Billian: Being a place of refuge for those who need comfort need not be as risky as it sounds. It does not necessarily call us to open up our homes, but it asks us to open our hearts.

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Fr. Jeremy’s First Homily: Making God a First Priority

Father Jeremy Miller: The message of Jesus today is that nothing can take the place of our relationship with God.

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Setting Aside our Fear and Being a Witness

Monsignor Michael Billian: God wants us in our daily lives — by the way we speak, by the way we live, by the decisions we make, even by the attitudes that we embrace in our daily life — he wants us to give witness to Christ.

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Ascension: Telling the World that Jesus Lives

Monsignor Michael Billian: The Solemnity of the Ascension is a call for us to tell the world that Jesus is still with us.

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Palm Sunday: Making Time for Jesus

Father Philip Smith: The great thing that will happen if we make time for Jesus this week, and really every day, is that we will see what Jesus has done for us.

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