Sermons on “Matthew”


All Saints: What it means to follow Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: All of us are called to holiness. Holiness is not something reserved for the spiritual elite.

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The Mystery of the Holy Trinity

Monsignor Michael Billian: We need to come to understand that our God loves us intensely and he wants to invite us into the intimacy of a beautiful relationship modeled after this mystery.

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Ash Wednesday: Jesus does not give busywork

Father Jeremy Miller: As we embark upon this season of Lent, let’s not see these next 40 days as busywork. But rather let’s see them as precisely what they are, which are Jesus’ remedy, Jesus’ medication if you will, and our surest path to reaching our full potential as sons and daughters of God.

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Epiphany: The Gifts of the Magi

Fr. Alan Zobler: We’re called to commit ourselves to be like the wise journeyers to Christ, brining our gifts — gold, frankincense and myrrh — giving selflessly, giving the very best of who we are and doing it tirelessly.

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Christ the King: Being Part of the Solution

Monsignor Michael Billian: What does the celebration of Christ the King mean? It really means everything. It means that there is a solution to the problems of the world. The feast calls us to be a part of the solution.

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Bishop Thomas: Come, Share your Master’s Joy

Bishop Daniel E. Thomas: The Lord desires that we share his joy.

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Investing with God

Father Jeremy Miller: If we invest in God and love of neighbor, we will grow and become the kind of person that we idealize ourself to be in the future.

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Making Use of Every Second

Monsignor Michael Billian: In the bank of time, there are no balances and no overdrafts. Each day, a new account is open for us. Each night, whatever remains is written off, lost, gone forever. Every day’s 86,400 seconds must be invested wisely in commodities that will hold their value from day to day, quarter to quarter, year to year, and beyond.

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Cleaning Toilets with a Smile

Father Philip Smith: The reason we smile when we perform acts of service is because we know that God is helping us overcome our selfishness, that God is helping us serve and touch the lives of other people and share God’s joy with them.

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Love God and Love Neighbor

Monsignor Michael Billian: We can’t just can’t love God part-time. We must love him with everything that we have. We can’t just be good to our neighbors sometimes. We must be good to others always.

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