Sermons in “Advent”


Embracing the Holy Interruptions

Father Jeremy Miller: All the elements of the Christmas Story interrupted the routine and what these figures thought their life was going to look like. And yet because so many of them embraced that holy interruption, we have the great story of Christmas.

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Living in a Spirit of Deference to God

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary and John represent for us an incredible example to combat our own pride because their lives they saw their mission they saw was to lead other people to Jesus.

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Make Straight a Highway for God

Father Jeremy Miller: When God looks at our heart, does he see a traffic jam or a construction zone?

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Immaculate Conception: The New Eve

Father Jeremy Miller: Eve’s disobedience became the cause of death for herself and the whole human race, so also Mary’s obedience became the cause of salvation for herself and the whole human race.

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The Full Experience of Advent

Father Jeremy Miller: Advent is about remembering the past in faith, looking forward to the future in hope, and living in the present moment in love.

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Advent: Keeping the Promise to David

Monsignor Michael Billian: In order for us to help keep the promise, we need to be more concerned with God’s plans and how our plans fit into them.

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Advent: Making Room in our Hearts for Jesus

Deacon Justin Moor: The path to true joy begins with making room in the inn of our hearts to fully welcome Jesus.

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Advent: John the Baptizer’s Guide to Christ

Monsignor Michael Billian: Advent is a time for us to decide, are we going to respond to God’s plan in our lives, are we going to be active about responding?

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The Full Experience of Advent

Father Jeremy Miller: We look backward to his coming in history 2,000 years ago. We look forward in hope to his coming in majesty at an unknown hour, as Jesus says in the Gospel. But we can’t forget about his daily advent, in which he desires in all sorts of ways, to come into our hearts, to enter in our lives, in a new way.

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A Lesson in Cooperation

Monsignor Michael Billian: The Lord invites you and me to say “Yes” to him, to join in that chorus of, “I will cooperate with the Lord.”

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