Sermons in “Easter”


Jesus is Here with Us

Father Philip Smith: It’s important to remember that Jesus is with us and will continue to be with us as the journey continues into the future.

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Running the Race

Father Philip Smith: God didn’t create us to be spectators. God created us to run, he created us to go out into the world and to share his love and mercy.

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Easter Sunday: Celebrating Life

Monsignor Michael Billian: Today, Christians around the world celebrate that life has meaning. We celebrate that life is redeemed.

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Pentecost: Exercising the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Monsignor Michael Billian: The more that we exercise and use those gifts in connection with one another, the stronger impact that those gifts can have on the world.

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Homily April 3, 2016

Ascension: Being People of Action

Monsignor Michael Billian: Christians have to be people of action. We’re given the Spirit to use the power of God to bring others to Christ.

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The Holy Spirit will Inspire Us

Father Philip Smith: Jesus says we’ll have that advocate by our side to help us navigate the messy and intensive situations of our own lives. When we don’t know what to say or what we’re supposed to do, the Holy Spirit will inspire us.

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Homily April 3, 2016

From Sinner to Saint

Monsignor Michael Billian: We‘re third. God first, others second. A good priority for us to think about as we cross the bridge from sinner to saint.

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Whose voice are we listening to?

Father Philip Smith: In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus said he was the Good Shepherd. He said he knows his sheep. He knows us. And he said, “They listen to my voice and follow me.” Do we know what the voice of Jesus sounds like?

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Year of Mercy: Instruct the Ignorant

Father Philip Smith: Simon Peter took a different approach today. He doesn’t impose his beliefs, he proposes them. He welcomes and invites people to learn more about Jesus, but leaves it up to their own freedom and their own free choice to decide whether they follow or not. That’s the model we’re invited to follow.

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Homily April 3, 2016

The Kindergarten Class of Jesus

Monsignor Michael Billian: Jesus picked 12 to start with and they were very different. Our Lord took them and molded them into disciples. He taught them to bury their differences and work together.

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