Sermons in “Lent”


Exercising our Spiritual Hearts

Monsignor Michael Billian: Just as the heart muscle benefits from exercise so our spiritual hearts benefit from the Lenten observances and practices.

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Ash Wednesday: Relying on God for Strength

Father Philip Smith: We can’t ever do it all, only God can do it all. We’re weak. We need each other for help and support.

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Good Friday: Choosing to Help and Serve

Father Philip Smith: If we were there on Good Friday, would we have stepped up like Joseph and Nicodemus to care for Jesus’ body? It had been bruised and was hanging lifeless on the cross. Would we have worried what other people would think of us for wasting our time on such thankless work?

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Holy Thursday: Letting Jesus Wash Our Feet

Father Philip Smith: The image today of Jesus bending down, washing the dirty feet of his disciples, reminds us that God chooses us to be worthy of his love, to experience his love.

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Palm Sunday: Being a Pilgrim, not a Tourist

Monsignor Michael Billian: Pilgrims don’t stand on the outside and watch what’s going on. Pilgrims get involved in what’s going on. Pilgrims engage the people that they are walking through life with.

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Being Open to Something New

Father Philip Smith: God’s inviting us on a new adventure. We’re reminded to step outside of our comfort zone to serve and to love and to pray in new ways.

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Truly Transforming our Lives this Lent

Monsignor Michael Billian: Even when you and I, like the son in the story, wander off, the Lord keeps his eye on us, waiting for us again to exercise our free will and to come back to him.

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Counting our Blessings from God

Father Philip Smith: One very simple practical lesson we can learn from this journey is the importance of gratitude. The importance of not taking for granted the blessings God has given to us.

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Gaining Perspective during Lent

Monsignor Michael Billian: We do this hard work during Lent so that we may encounter more fully the resurrected Jesus.

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Accepting God’s Free Gift of Love in Sin City

Father Philip Smith: When we take time to embrace the free gift of God’s love, we’re able to overcome any temptation we may experience in our lives.

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