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Sermons by “Father Philip Smith”

How Important Are You?
Homily from the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday, November 5, 2023
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Living a Double Life
Father Philip Smith: “We all do that in certain moments in our life, don’t we? We’re two different people in two different situations, because we want to fit in, make certain people happy, gain a certain type of advantage. We don’t also be ourselves. Jesus was challenging his disciples today to know who they were and to be that person always, to be that person consistently.”
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Seeing Life as a Generative Opportunity
Father Philip Smith: We’re all called to be fruitful vines, spreading ourselves out into the world, going out and building connections, relationships – serving, loving, helping all kinds of different people.
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Standing out
Father Philip Smith: We’re called to be ourselves as God made us and to let our light shine in the world.
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Lessons on Solitude
Father Philip Smith: I think most of us have some kind of fear of being alone. We like keeping busy, oftentimes because we’re afraid of what will bubble up within us.
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Making good, long-term decisions
Father Philip Smith: Prayer can provide stability for the stressful moments, the unexpected moments where we have to make difficult decisions.
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The Dangers of Perfectionism in our Spiritual Life
Father Philip Smith: Perfectionism is an obstacle to true growth and change in our life.
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