Sermons by “Father Philip Smith”


Forgiving Ourselves

Father Philip Smith: The question is not whether God’s going to forgive us. The question is whether we’re willing to forgive ourselves.

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Following Mother Teresa’s Example

Father Philip Smith: Are we willing to give our entire lives to God? Or to allow God’s influence in every moment of our lives?

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Living Christian Greatness

Father Philip Smith: Jesus invites all people to be saved. The real question to ask is whether we’re will to accept that love, whether we’re willing to accept salvation and a relationship with God.

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An Olympic Witness of Faith

Father Philip Smith: People are still watching us in the way we live our lives and God can use this example — this witness — to touch other people’s hearts and help them experience God’s presence in their midst.

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Investing in What Matters Most

Father Philip Smith: Jesus reminds us not to hide behind our material things, but to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and to connect with other people at the deepest levels in ways that will live on with God forever.

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Giving our Worries to God

Father Philip Smith: When we’re overwhelmed by worry, it’s important to remember that God is with us in whatever we’re going through, and to listen to God for encouragement and inspiring words that will help us.

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Relying on God’s Help and Grace

Father Philip Smith: If we rely on God’s help, God will build his kingdom through us. God will do amazing things through our own lives.

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From Righteous Anger to Courageous Action

Father Philip Smith: In our own lives, when we take time to pray, we gain the inspiration we need to do something to change the way things are, to work against injustice, to be a light in the midst of the darkness around us.

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Year of Mercy: Comfort the Sorrowful

Father Philip Smith: Our job is to just be there with people as a sign of hope, as a glimpse of the light that God can bring in those moments.

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Most Holy Trinity: Taking Time to Play in God’s Creation

Father Philip Smith: We as Christians believe in a God who plays and created a world for us to enjoy, to celebrate and to play in ourselves.

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