Sermons on “Christmas”


Epiphany: Our transformational gifts to Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: We have the opportunity to begin 2021 to forge a new path, to offer gifts to Jesus, the gift of our heart.

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You’re on Mute

Deacon Justin Moor: While Joseph didn’t talk the talk from a biblical perspective, he certainly walked the walk.

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Christmas: Embrace the Imperfection

Father Jeremy Miller: The quality of the wrapping of the gift is not always a great indicator of how great the gift is.

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Love Grows Best in Little Houses

Father Jeremy Miller: We’re reminded that in the imperfect, small, less-than-ideal circumstances of that stable 2,000 years ago, God did something extraordinary.

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Playing Hide-and-Seek with God

Deacon Justin Moor: By looking for God in different faces and places God could be hiding this Advent, we will be preparing to open the greatest Christmas gift: the gift of finding the fullness of God in our lives.

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Epiphany: Supernatural Vision into Supernatural Love

Father Jeremy Miller: Following the star sometimes means rethinking, reshaping, reworking our views in light of of the fact that God has revealed himself to us.

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Holy Family: Being like Joseph

Deacon Justin Moor: Discerning who God wants us to be, what God wants us to do and then having the courage to do it, this is what it means to be a holy disciple. When we support those we most love in the unique divine mission God has for them, this is how we discover what it means to be a holy family.

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Epiphany: The Three Gifts in 2019

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s leave 2019 in a different way than we came.

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Christmas: God is not a perfectionist

Father Jeremy Miller: The Christmas story reveals that precisely when things are imperfect, God might be doing something incredible.

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Embracing the Holy Interruptions

Father Jeremy Miller: All the elements of the Christmas Story interrupted the routine and what these figures thought their life was going to look like. And yet because so many of them embraced that holy interruption, we have the great story of Christmas.

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