Sermons on “Faith”


Not Letting Expectations Get in the Way

Father Philip Smith: The way God heals us might not be the way we expect, it may not be the timeline we expect, but God’s power can work in miraculous way in our lives.

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Lord, Increase Our Faith

Monsignor Michael Billian: Faith and prayer go together. If we pray, our faith grows. If our faith grows, we are drawn to prayer.

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An Olympic Witness of Faith

Father Philip Smith: People are still watching us in the way we live our lives and God can use this example — this witness — to touch other people’s hearts and help them experience God’s presence in their midst.

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Trusting in God through Faith

Monsignor Michael Billian: The answers to the fundamental questions of life can only be found in faith. If we’re honest, we’ll recognize that this is hard to handle.

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