Sermons on “Happiness”


Not Wanting to Miss the Treasure

Homily from the weekend of July 30, 2023 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

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A Story with a Great Ending

Homily from the weekend of November 13, 2022

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Pentecost: Holy Spirit Moments

Deacon Justin Moor: When was the last time you noticed the Holy Spirit at work in or around you?

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A different kind of Easter

Father Jeremy Miller: There is no social distancing with God.

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Tapestry 10: John XXIII

Father Jeremy Miller: John XXIII’s vision of a council has very much shaped our experience of Catholicism.

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Putting Happiness On Hold

Deacon Justin Moor: When Jesus calls, do not place the call on hold. The perfect time to respond to Jesus’ call to follow him is now.

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