Sermons on “Humility”


Tapestry 2: Augustine of Hippo

Father Jeremy Miller: He is such an important figure in our intellectual tradition. What I’m more interested in though is his moral conversion, his spiritual conversion and the fact that it was a journey, it was a process.

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Characters of the Easter season

Father Jeremy Miller: All five of these characters have a place in the Easter story and they all belong at that empty tomb worshiping the risen Christ.

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Easter: We Belong Here

Father Jeremy Miller: However we got to the empty tomb this morning, we have a place there.

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Holy Thursday: It’s all about your feet

Father Jeremy Miller: This night is about giving God both: the feet as an expression of our self-reliance and pride, our willingness to do our own thing, and the feet as an expression of our vulnerability.

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Palm Sunday: The Example of the Second Criminal

Father Jeremy Miller: That second criminal gives us a path forward out of this human temptation I think we have to scapegoat, to deflect attention away from ourselves and carrying our cross as well.

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Coming Down the Mountain

Father Jeremy Miller: We have to be willing to come down the mountain if we are to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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Woe to You

Fr. Alan Zobler O.S.F.S.: If you are so hung up on the things that don’t matter, the teachable moments are going to pass by you.

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All Saints: What it means to follow Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: All of us are called to holiness. Holiness is not something reserved for the spiritual elite.

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Sight without Vision

Father Jeremy Miller: There are certain things that we have to push aside if we want to have the kind of vision, the all encompassing, supernatural, spiritual vision with which Jesus sees the world.

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A different kind of strength and power

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus is promoting the strength that desires to get on the same level of people to lift them up.

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