Sermons on “Inspiration”


Love Grows Best in Little Houses

Father Jeremy Miller: We’re reminded that in the imperfect, small, less-than-ideal circumstances of that stable 2,000 years ago, God did something extraordinary.

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Bridging the Divide

Father Jeremy Miller: How do we close the gap between incongruent or disconnected parts? Religion is nothing else but the attempt to find the glue to bind together heaven and earth, God and man, and by extension that which binds us together.

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All Saints: We become like Him

Father Jeremy Miller: The fundamental vocation of every single Christian person is to become holy like Jesus, to become a saint.

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Finding who we are

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus says if you want to have life, give it away. If you want to gain your life, give it away freely. And if you insist on keeping your life, you’re going to lose it.

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The temptation to bypass Good Friday

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s rest on this day, let’s not sprint to Easter Sunday. Maybe that’s a little easier this year because of what we’re all going through.

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Finding wisdom from the readings

Father Jeremy Miller: Finding wisdom from scripture that speaks to our current pandemic.

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Glow of God

Deacon Justin Moor: If we want to converse with God in his native tongue, silence is the language with which we should start the conversation.

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Ash Wednesday: Refocusing our Spiritual Navigation System

Father Jeremy Miller: In our internal, spiritual navigation systems every year, Lent is the time to refocus, to recalibrate, to reroute our spiritual lives and get back on the path that the Lord calls us to.

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Forming our conscience, not replacing it

Father Jeremy Miller: When God teaches us about morality in the scriptures, his goal is always to form our conscience, not replace it.

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Presentation of the Lord: Changing Perspectives

Father Jeremy Miller: The emergence and presentation of this child should reorient us, refocus us on what’s most important in life.

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