Sermons on “Inspiration”


Are we being fed by the Liturgy?

Father Jeremy Miller: We do not come here primarily to be entertained. We come here first and foremost to be embraced by the God who loves us and intimately wants to be involved in our lives.

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The Path to Spiritual Transformation

Father Jeremy Miller: We have to continue on our the journey of liberation and spiritual transformation and freedom, knowing that our God and this Eucharistic bread from heaven is always with us, intimately involved in our lives.

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Putting the needs of others first

Deacon Justin Moor: We might just catch a glimpse of Jesus still at work today.

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Getting back to “very good” with God

Deacon Justin Moor: By being fertile soil, we can receive the small mustard seed of Jesus into our lives like a child receives a gift from the father.

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Ascension: Lift up your Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: As a metaphor, the Ascension is a wonderful way to see our mission as Christians – that we are called to be lifted up by God and therefore to rise above the things that trouble us and to bring others up with us.

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Staying Connected to the Vine of Jesus

Deacon Justin Moor: Jesus is the true vine we desperately need, whether we realize it or not.

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Each of Us is Good Enough

Deacon Justin Moor: Chances are each of us has had a time in our lives where we felt like we just weren’t good enough.

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Advent: John the Baptizer’s Guide to Christ

Monsignor Michael Billian: Advent is a time for us to decide, are we going to respond to God’s plan in our lives, are we going to be active about responding?

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The Full Experience of Advent

Father Jeremy Miller: We look backward to his coming in history 2,000 years ago. We look forward in hope to his coming in majesty at an unknown hour, as Jesus says in the Gospel. But we can’t forget about his daily advent, in which he desires in all sorts of ways, to come into our hearts, to enter in our lives, in a new way.

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You are not Alone

Monsignor Michael Billian: We are not alone. We have Jesus Christ. He gives us the power of his spirit. The power of the cross is given to us to wage war against all the difficulties and evils that attack us.

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