Sermons on “Inspiration”


Living up to our Potential

Father Jeremy Miller: What are the wild grapes that have overrun the vineyard of our hearts? And who are the people God consistently sends who speak truth to us and who we sort of dismiss because we don’t like what they say?

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Seeing the World as God Does

Father Jeremy Miller: When we stop trying to fashion God in our own image and try to start to fashioning ourselves in the image of God, that’s the decisive moment of mature faith.

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Resolving Problems in a Spirit of Love

Father Jeremy Miller: If someone hurts you, you go to that person and that person alone, Jesus says, and in a spirit of love, in which you want the best for them, you offer correction.

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Transforming Failure into Positive Change

Father Philip Smith: When we fail, we can step back and we can put our lives in perspective and look at what really might need to change and what we can do differently.

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Father Philip Smith: Usually when things are fun and comfortable and exciting, we say we’re blessed, but when life is hard, unfair and painful, we hardly feel blessed at all.

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Lessons and Opportunities from the Year of Mercy

Monsignor Michael Billian: The gift of this year has been a springboard to a way of life, where we proclaim with all our being that God loves us and wraps us in his mercy so that we can share that precious gift with the world.

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Connecting Old and Young

Father Philip Smith: Today we give thanks to the faith-filled example of people who have persevered in their faith. We can look up to them.

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Following Mother Teresa’s Example

Father Philip Smith: Are we willing to give our entire lives to God? Or to allow God’s influence in every moment of our lives?

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An Olympic Witness of Faith

Father Philip Smith: People are still watching us in the way we live our lives and God can use this example — this witness — to touch other people’s hearts and help them experience God’s presence in their midst.

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Giving our Worries to God

Father Philip Smith: When we’re overwhelmed by worry, it’s important to remember that God is with us in whatever we’re going through, and to listen to God for encouragement and inspiring words that will help us.

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