Sermons on “Love”


Finding and Accepting God’s Mercy

Monsignor Michael Billian: To accept mercy requires trust, which is why it’s so hard to forgive by human powers.

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Good Friday: Stay awhile with this day

Father Jeremy Miller: This day is meant to enter us into the silence of that tragic day over two thousand years ago.

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The Lessons of Holy Thursday

Father Jeremy Miller: Tonight, let’s not keep God at a distance. Let us allow him to wash our feet so that cleansed of our own pride and self-pity we might lower ourselves to serve the needs of others.

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Fully Known and Fully Loved

Deacon Justin Moor: Jesus knows us fully and fully loves us. This is the deepest desire of our hearts: to be fully known and fully loved.

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The Humanity of the Holy Family

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s strive in this year to recommit ourselves to our families to try and grow in the love that Jesus, Mary and Joseph shared, the love to become, not a perfect family, but a holy family.

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Christmas: We Need Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: Whether you come here tonight as a shepherd or a magi, let’s all worship together the newborn king and ask that he might take possession of us in a deeper way this coming year.

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Advent: Making Room in our Hearts for Jesus

Deacon Justin Moor: The path to true joy begins with making room in the inn of our hearts to fully welcome Jesus.

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Love God and Love Neighbor

Monsignor Michael Billian: We can’t just can’t love God part-time. We must love him with everything that we have. We can’t just be good to our neighbors sometimes. We must be good to others always.

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Resolving Problems in a Spirit of Love

Father Jeremy Miller: If someone hurts you, you go to that person and that person alone, Jesus says, and in a spirit of love, in which you want the best for them, you offer correction.

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Being True Disciples of Christ

Monsignor Michael Billian: Being a place of refuge for those who need comfort need not be as risky as it sounds. It does not necessarily call us to open up our homes, but it asks us to open our hearts.

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