Sermons on “Love”


How to love

Father Jeremy Miller: Unless we have an authentic, healthy self-love, it hurts how we love others. We project onto our love of neighbor the ways that other people have wounded us in terms of loving us.

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Correcting and judging others

Father Jeremy Miller: If we have to say something hard to someone, we do it in the most loving way possible and making sure that we’re first committed to our own humility and our own integrity before doing so.

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Managing our faith expectations

Father Jeremy Miller: Our spiritual houses, our spiritual temples, ourselves, are the place where humanity and divinity are meant to unite.

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Diagnosing the garden of our hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s make the garden of our hearts, the soil of our hearts, ready and responsive and conducive to the growth of God’s grace within us.

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First-Class Love

Deacon Justin Moor: With this approach of loving, we see Jesus in each member of our families. This is the moment when we stop letting the way our family members have loved us be the limiting factor in the way we love them.

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The temptation to bypass Good Friday

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s rest on this day, let’s not sprint to Easter Sunday. Maybe that’s a little easier this year because of what we’re all going through.

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Holy Thursday: The effects of the Eucharist

Father Jeremy Miller: This is an opportunity to draw our attention to what the Eucharist is meant to do within us.

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Holy Family: Being like Joseph

Deacon Justin Moor: Discerning who God wants us to be, what God wants us to do and then having the courage to do it, this is what it means to be a holy disciple. When we support those we most love in the unique divine mission God has for them, this is how we discover what it means to be a holy family.

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Not overlooking Joseph

Father Jeremy Miller: Joseph is an incredible figure who never speaks in the scriptures, yet has an incredible opportunity and responsibility that he accepts from the the Lord.

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All Saints: Intercessors of the Faith

Father Jeremy Miller: God deliberately chooses to make other people partners in his plan of salvation, an enhancement of his power.

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