Sermons on “Patience”


Easter: We Belong Here

Father Jeremy Miller: However we got to the empty tomb this morning, we have a place there.

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We must go through the desert, if we want to reach the garden

Father Jeremy Miller: The entirety of Lent is entering into the 40 days in the desert with Jesus so that we come out on Easter a person that’s more ripe for growth, a person in the garden who’s more ripe for blossoming.

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Epiphany: The Three Gifts in 2019

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s leave 2019 in a different way than we came.

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Make Straight a Highway for God

Father Jeremy Miller: When God looks at our heart, does he see a traffic jam or a construction zone?

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The Path to Spiritual Transformation

Father Jeremy Miller: We have to continue on our the journey of liberation and spiritual transformation and freedom, knowing that our God and this Eucharistic bread from heaven is always with us, intimately involved in our lives.

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Desperation for Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: We come here every week to be desperate for Jesus, to know that we cannot fix everything in our life, to know that we are not in complete control and to place all of that at the altar, at the foot of Jesus, knowing that even if he doesn’t heal us immediately of the affliction we bring before him, we will receive the embrace of a God who loves us more than we could ever imagine.

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Easter Sunday: Arriving at the Tomb

Father Jeremy Miller: We are here because we value being at the empty tomb, but we are called to invite others and to help remove obstacles from others, to be able to enter the tomb with us.

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Good Friday: Stay awhile with this day

Father Jeremy Miller: This day is meant to enter us into the silence of that tragic day over two thousand years ago.

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The Full Experience of Advent

Father Jeremy Miller: We look backward to his coming in history 2,000 years ago. We look forward in hope to his coming in majesty at an unknown hour, as Jesus says in the Gospel. But we can’t forget about his daily advent, in which he desires in all sorts of ways, to come into our hearts, to enter in our lives, in a new way.

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Weeds Among the Wheat

Monsignor Michael Billian: It’s God’s job to do the judging. Let him do his work while we do our best to till the gardens of our lives and care for them.

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