Sermons on “Redemption”


Bad stuff grows quicker than good stuff

Father Jeremy Miller: Evil multiplies faster than goodness. Vice grows quicker than virtue. Selfishness develops quicker than generous love. But there is a remedy: the grace of Jesus.

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Ash Wednesday: Refocusing our Spiritual Navigation System

Father Jeremy Miller: In our internal, spiritual navigation systems every year, Lent is the time to refocus, to recalibrate, to reroute our spiritual lives and get back on the path that the Lord calls us to.

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Jesus is King

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus’ kingship is very different. Jesus’ kingship is allowing himself to be overshadowed totally for the sake of the mission that he was given by the father.

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The Dangers of Perfectionism in our Spiritual Life

Father Philip Smith: Perfectionism is an obstacle to true growth and change in our life.

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Characters of the Easter season

Father Jeremy Miller: All five of these characters have a place in the Easter story and they all belong at that empty tomb worshiping the risen Christ.

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