Sermons on “Service”


Focusing on How

Father Jeremy Miller: What matters is not just what we do, but how we do it.

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Seeing Life as a Generative Opportunity

Father Philip Smith: We’re all called to be fruitful vines, spreading ourselves out into the world, going out and building connections, relationships – serving, loving, helping all kinds of different people.

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Lifting Others Up

Father Jeremy Miller: Are we more concerned with being first and celebrating our victories than we are about accompanying other people to the finish line?

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As For Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord

Father Jeremy Miller: Who or what do you serve, individually and as a parish?

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Lavishing Leftovers

Father Jeremy Miller: “God loves to give you more than you ask for. God loves to give you leftovers, even more than what satisfies.”

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Be a Voice and an Echo

Father Jeremy Miller: For us as Christians, part of our job is to echo the voice of the Good Shepherd with our uniqueness.

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Standing out

Father Philip Smith: We’re called to be ourselves as God made us and to let our light shine in the world.

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Lenten Series: Almsgiving

Father Jeremy Miller: Every aspect of almsgiving, acting in mercy, has to grapple with our selfishness.

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Ash Wednesday: Clearing out space in our hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: Lent every year is an opportunity to take seriously that which is meant to help us grow in faith.

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Bringing people into the fold

Father Jeremy Miller: Our call as Christian people is to always bring people that are on the outside into the fold. The leper was really ostracized.

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