Sermons on “Service”


Gaining Perspective during Lent

Monsignor Michael Billian: We do this hard work during Lent so that we may encounter more fully the resurrected Jesus.

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Ash Wednesday: Sinners with a Savior

Father Philip Smith: What we do here this evening is the exact opposite as we literally rub dirt on our foreheads, as we rub ashes on our foreheads as a symbol of the fact that we don’t have everything together, that we’re not perfect.

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Being a Child of God

Monsignor Michael Billian: Everything in our lives is built upon being a child of God, first and foremost. And because we have gained that title — Child of God — together it puts all of us in relationship with one another.

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Doing What Jesus Asks of Us

Father Philip Smith: We’re invited to walk for water, to do what Jesus asks of us, to give it our all, to fill the jars to the brim, knowing that God’s going to do great things.

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Immaculate Conception: The Yes of Mary

Monsignor Michael Billian: Now Mary said yes to the Lord without even knowing exactly what she was saying yes to. She wasn’t sure about what was going to happen.

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True Power Flows from Service

By Monsignor Michael Billian

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