Sermons on “Service”


Palm Sunday: The Example of the Second Criminal

Father Jeremy Miller: That second criminal gives us a path forward out of this human temptation I think we have to scapegoat, to deflect attention away from ourselves and carrying our cross as well.

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Coming Down the Mountain

Father Jeremy Miller: We have to be willing to come down the mountain if we are to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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We must go through the desert, if we want to reach the garden

Father Jeremy Miller: The entirety of Lent is entering into the 40 days in the desert with Jesus so that we come out on Easter a person that’s more ripe for growth, a person in the garden who’s more ripe for blossoming.

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The Sting of Death

Father Philip Smith shares three lessons on how we face death as Christian people.

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Woe to You

Fr. Alan Zobler O.S.F.S.: If you are so hung up on the things that don’t matter, the teachable moments are going to pass by you.

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Being Made to Thrive

Father Jeremy Miller: God wants to fill us spiritually to the brim, to the brink of capsizing, to the brink of overflowing, so that divine life that is overflowing in you will flow out and touch others.

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Our Heavenly Mother is Mary

Father Jeremy Miller: As she gave birth to Christ, she gave birth to all of us in Christ.

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Holy Family: Taking a step closer to Jesus

Deacon Justin Moor: This is as good of time as any to see where our spiritual lives are at. And wherever our spiritual lives are at, to resolve to take one step closer to Jesus in this new year.

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Embracing the Holy Interruptions

Father Jeremy Miller: All the elements of the Christmas Story interrupted the routine and what these figures thought their life was going to look like. And yet because so many of them embraced that holy interruption, we have the great story of Christmas.

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Living in a Spirit of Deference to God

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary and John represent for us an incredible example to combat our own pride because their lives they saw their mission they saw was to lead other people to Jesus.

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