Sermons on “Service”


The Command to Love

Monsignor Michael Billian: The Mercy of God wipes out our past selfishness and leads us to respond to the Lord’s command to love others as he has loved us.

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Staying Connected to the Vine of Jesus

Deacon Justin Moor: Jesus is the true vine we desperately need, whether we realize it or not.

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Going All In

Monsignor Michael Billian: The Lord calls us to be all in every day — not later, but now.

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The Lessons of Holy Thursday

Father Jeremy Miller: Tonight, let’s not keep God at a distance. Let us allow him to wash our feet so that cleansed of our own pride and self-pity we might lower ourselves to serve the needs of others.

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Palm Sunday: Would we run away?

Father Jeremy Miller: Can we stay with Jesus all the way through Holy Week?

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Jesus and Gandhi

Deacon Justin Moor: Becoming a better Catholic and living what we believe is also about that person like Gandhi that we encounter who is waiting on us to live what we believe before they also come to believe in Jesus.

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Renewing the Covenant with God

Monsignor Michael Billian: This Lent, you and I are called to renew the covenant, to renew the relationship we have with God – not just the deal, not just the word, the life-giving relationship that we share with one another.

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Ash Wednesday: Jesus does not give busywork

Father Jeremy Miller: As we embark upon this season of Lent, let’s not see these next 40 days as busywork. But rather let’s see them as precisely what they are, which are Jesus’ remedy, Jesus’ medication if you will, and our surest path to reaching our full potential as sons and daughters of God.

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The Relevance of God

Father Jeremy Miller: God wants to capitalize on what is good in the human spirit, what is good in society, what is good in each one of us here, despite our faults. He wants to redeem that, he wants to lift that up and elevate it so that we can live to the full potential of what he’s created us to be.

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Advent: Keeping the Promise to David

Monsignor Michael Billian: In order for us to help keep the promise, we need to be more concerned with God’s plans and how our plans fit into them.

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