Sermons on “Trust”


Finding the treasure of Christ

Father Jeremy Miller: Sometimes we need guidance to keep us on the right path for the treasure.

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Sharing the Burden

Father Jeremy Miller: We all carry burdens, but the good news is that we never carry them alone.

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The shepherd, the gate and the sheep

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus is the point of access, he’s the one that grants access and he’s the one that needs access with us.

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Faith and delusion

Father Jeremy Miller: The reason we call Thomas doubting is because he doesn’t trust and believe the testimony of other credible witnesses.

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Our Game Plan for Lent

Father Jeremy Miller: Lent is about a game plan for areas where we are most vulnerable with sin and starting to grow in our trust of God.

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Ash Wednesday: Refocusing our Spiritual Navigation System

Father Jeremy Miller: In our internal, spiritual navigation systems every year, Lent is the time to refocus, to recalibrate, to reroute our spiritual lives and get back on the path that the Lord calls us to.

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Perfectionism vs. Authentic Perfection

Father Jeremy Miller: That kind of perfection is only possible because the Holy Spirit dwells within us. That is not possible on our own.

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Forming our conscience, not replacing it

Father Jeremy Miller: When God teaches us about morality in the scriptures, his goal is always to form our conscience, not replace it.

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Deacon Justin Moor: The expectations John the Baptist had for this long-awaited Messiah and Savior, are revealed in what John says in today’s Gospel reading when he sees Jesus coming toward him. John says, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”

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Epiphany: Supernatural Vision into Supernatural Love

Father Jeremy Miller: Following the star sometimes means rethinking, reshaping, reworking our views in light of of the fact that God has revealed himself to us.

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