Sermons on “Trust”


Not overlooking Joseph

Father Jeremy Miller: Joseph is an incredible figure who never speaks in the scriptures, yet has an incredible opportunity and responsibility that he accepts from the the Lord.

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Patience and Waiting

Father Jeremy Miller: One of the hardest parts of life is waiting, but one of the best parts of life is having someone or something worth waiting for.

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Prioritizing the One

Father Jeremy Miller: God thinks about us as a parent who hates to see one child wander, not a part of the family.

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The Modern Day Rich Fool

Deacon Justin Moor: We realize our true net worth when we allow Jesus to gaze into our eyes and lovingly say, “You are worth everything to me.”

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Characters of the Easter season

Father Jeremy Miller: All five of these characters have a place in the Easter story and they all belong at that empty tomb worshiping the risen Christ.

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Easter: We Belong Here

Father Jeremy Miller: However we got to the empty tomb this morning, we have a place there.

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Good Friday: Picking the right Barabbas

Father Jeremy Miller: We all come here this afternoon because we want to worship the right Barabbas, Jesus.

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Holy Thursday: It’s all about your feet

Father Jeremy Miller: This night is about giving God both: the feet as an expression of our self-reliance and pride, our willingness to do our own thing, and the feet as an expression of our vulnerability.

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The bush is on fire, but it’s not consumed

Father Jeremy Miller: The bush is on fire, but it’s not consumed, which is a beautiful image for when God interacts with humanity. He doesn’t ask us to lose ourselves as humans. He wants to light a fire within us, but he’s not going to consume us.

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We must go through the desert, if we want to reach the garden

Father Jeremy Miller: The entirety of Lent is entering into the 40 days in the desert with Jesus so that we come out on Easter a person that’s more ripe for growth, a person in the garden who’s more ripe for blossoming.

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