Sermons on “Trust”


Palm Sunday: Would we run away?

Father Jeremy Miller: Can we stay with Jesus all the way through Holy Week?

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Jesus Heals

Monsignor Michael Billian: Jesus heals. He heals the pain, not just of people in the past, but the pain of people today.

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Advent: Keeping the Promise to David

Monsignor Michael Billian: In order for us to help keep the promise, we need to be more concerned with God’s plans and how our plans fit into them.

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Love God and Love Neighbor

Monsignor Michael Billian: We can’t just can’t love God part-time. We must love him with everything that we have. We can’t just be good to our neighbors sometimes. We must be good to others always.

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Living up to our Potential

Father Jeremy Miller: What are the wild grapes that have overrun the vineyard of our hearts? And who are the people God consistently sends who speak truth to us and who we sort of dismiss because we don’t like what they say?

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The Nature of Faith

Father Jeremy Miller: Faith is a kind of evidence. It’s different than physical evidence. It’s a relational evidence in which we believe the one who asks us to believe in them because they have a track record of making themselves believable.

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Understanding the Big Picture

Monsignor Michael Billian: There is something about the clarity of studying the big picture in order to understand what happens in the small things of life.

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Weeds Among the Wheat

Monsignor Michael Billian: It’s God’s job to do the judging. Let him do his work while we do our best to till the gardens of our lives and care for them.

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Jesus is Here with Us

Father Philip Smith: It’s important to remember that Jesus is with us and will continue to be with us as the journey continues into the future.

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Ash Wednesday: Relying on God for Strength

Father Philip Smith: We can’t ever do it all, only God can do it all. We’re weak. We need each other for help and support.

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