Sermons on “Truth”


Gather vs. Scatter

Homily from the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday, June 9, 2024

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Reaching the Margins

Homily from the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday, February 11, 2024.

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The Two Unspeakable Topics: Religion & Politics

Homily from the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday, October 22, 2023

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God’s Wisdom vs. Human Wisdom

Homily from the weekend of January 29, 2023

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Living a Double Life

Father Philip Smith: “We all do that in certain moments in our life, don’t we? We’re two different people in two different situations, because we want to fit in, make certain people happy, gain a certain type of advantage. We don’t also be ourselves. Jesus was challenging his disciples today to know who they were and to be that person always, to be that person consistently.”

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For the Human Good

Father Jeremy Miller: “If you enjoy doing good, does that make you less good? No, it makes you human.”

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Filling to the Brim

Father Jeremy Miller: It’s an invitation to fill our jars, our lives, to the brim, and then turn them over to see what miracles God can do with them.

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Prophetic Traditions

Father Jeremy Miller: All of the heroes that we celebrate both in our national history, but also in the Christian tradition, experienced incredible rejection and resistance and often death for standing up for what they thought was right.

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Good from Bad

Deacon Justin Moor: Perhaps we’ve been slow to open the gift of humility, but quick to up the gifts of a smartphone or another smart device.

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