Sermons on “Virgin Mary”


Assumption of Mary: The Dignity of the Body

Father Jeremy Miller: Today’s feast is a wonderful example of the dignity of the body. This feast is also an opportunity to reflect on the great gift of our bodies, which the Lord wishes to redeem in this life and more completely in the life to come.

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Stories of Shared Humanity

Father Philip Smith: And yet as we come here today with Mary, we turn our gaze to that child in a manger in Bethlehem, that child that shows us the beauty and dignity of our shared humanity, the child who can change our stories of war into stories of peace.

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Christmas: Mary and Joseph’s Crazy and Wild Journey

Father Philip Smith: It was a journey which nothing went the way they would have planned or desired. And yet, as we all know, the Christmas story is really a story of hope, joy and peace.

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Rushing to Bring Joy to the World

Father Philip Smith: Many of us will have lots to do this week, but it’s important that we follow Mary’s example and keep an eye out for other people who may be in need and rush to help them when we are able.

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Immaculate Conception: The Yes of Mary

Monsignor Michael Billian: Now Mary said yes to the Lord without even knowing exactly what she was saying yes to. She wasn’t sure about what was going to happen.

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