Sermons on “Wisdom”


Easter Vigil: From Darkness to Light

Father Jeremy Miller: It’s about progressive enlightenment, progressive illumination.

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Easter: We Belong Here

Father Jeremy Miller: However we got to the empty tomb this morning, we have a place there.

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Good Friday: Picking the right Barabbas

Father Jeremy Miller: We all come here this afternoon because we want to worship the right Barabbas, Jesus.

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God’s Parental Love

Father Jeremy Miller: God loves us precisely where we’re at, but he loves us too much to let us stay there.

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From Me, to We, to Unity

Deacon Justin Moor: In our own lives this week, we each have ways that are uniquely our own in how we can exercise our spiritual parenthood to help one of God’s sons and daughters.

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The bush is on fire, but it’s not consumed

Father Jeremy Miller: The bush is on fire, but it’s not consumed, which is a beautiful image for when God interacts with humanity. He doesn’t ask us to lose ourselves as humans. He wants to light a fire within us, but he’s not going to consume us.

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Coming Down the Mountain

Father Jeremy Miller: We have to be willing to come down the mountain if we are to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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Going Deeper into our Faith

Father Philip Smith: Are we willing to allow Jesus to tell us how to do our job? Are we willing to allow Jesus to tell us how to live our life?

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Living in a Spirit of Deference to God

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary and John represent for us an incredible example to combat our own pride because their lives they saw their mission they saw was to lead other people to Jesus.

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Make Straight a Highway for God

Father Jeremy Miller: When God looks at our heart, does he see a traffic jam or a construction zone?

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