Sermons on “Wisdom”


Immaculate Conception: The New Eve

Father Jeremy Miller: Eve’s disobedience became the cause of death for herself and the whole human race, so also Mary’s obedience became the cause of salvation for herself and the whole human race.

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Sight without Vision

Father Jeremy Miller: There are certain things that we have to push aside if we want to have the kind of vision, the all encompassing, supernatural, spiritual vision with which Jesus sees the world.

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Pursuing Wisdom instead of Wealth

Deacon Justin Moor: When we let go our of wealth and possessions, what we find is life. We discover this life when we see our worth through the eyes of Jesus.

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To Love like God

Father Jeremy Miller: If we don’t receive love from the people we do see, how are we ever going to be capable of receiving the love of God, whom we don’t see?

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Jesus and Socrates

Father Jeremy Miller: We don’t have much control over what happens outside of us. But we do have control over what comes out from within.

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The difference between knowledge and wisdom

Father Jeremy Miller: It’s a good question to ponder as a society – As we have acquired more knowledge, are we a wiser people?

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Jesus and Columbo

Father Jeremy Miller: I’ve always thought that Columbo’s approach has characteristics of incredible leadership and, in this context today will all of our readings, how to be a good shepherd.

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The Mystery of the Holy Trinity

Monsignor Michael Billian: We need to come to understand that our God loves us intensely and he wants to invite us into the intimacy of a beautiful relationship modeled after this mystery.

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Ascension: Lift up your Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: As a metaphor, the Ascension is a wonderful way to see our mission as Christians – that we are called to be lifted up by God and therefore to rise above the things that trouble us and to bring others up with us.

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How do we know God?

Father Jeremy Miller: Even though we don’t physically touch him like those apostles in that upper room, we can know God.

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