
Stories of Shared Humanity

Father Philip Smith: And yet as we come here today with Mary, we turn our gaze to that child in a manger in Bethlehem, that child that shows us the beauty and dignity of our shared humanity, the child who can change our stories of war into stories of peace.

Gospel: Luke 2:16-21

The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph,
and the infant lying in the manger.
When they saw this,
they made known the message
that had been told them about this child.
All who heard it were amazed
by what had been told them by the shepherds.
And Mary kept all these things,
reflecting on them in her heart.
Then the shepherds returned,
glorifying and praising God
for all they had heard and seen,
just as it had been told to them.

When eight days were completed for his circumcision,
he was named Jesus, the name given him by the angel
before he was conceived in the womb.