Sermons on “Luke”


When God wants to change the world, he sends a baby

Monsignor Michael Billian: When a new child is born, your family changes. And so does the path of our salvation history change, when God sends a baby.

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How do we know God?

Father Jeremy Miller: Even though we don’t physically touch him like those apostles in that upper room, we can know God.

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Christmas: We Need Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: Whether you come here tonight as a shepherd or a magi, let’s all worship together the newborn king and ask that he might take possession of us in a deeper way this coming year.

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Advent: Keeping the Promise to David

Monsignor Michael Billian: In order for us to help keep the promise, we need to be more concerned with God’s plans and how our plans fit into them.

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Assumption of Mary: The Dignity of the Body

Father Jeremy Miller: Today’s feast is a wonderful example of the dignity of the body. This feast is also an opportunity to reflect on the great gift of our bodies, which the Lord wishes to redeem in this life and more completely in the life to come.

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Jesus is Here with Us

Father Philip Smith: It’s important to remember that Jesus is with us and will continue to be with us as the journey continues into the future.

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Stories of Shared Humanity

Father Philip Smith: And yet as we come here today with Mary, we turn our gaze to that child in a manger in Bethlehem, that child that shows us the beauty and dignity of our shared humanity, the child who can change our stories of war into stories of peace.

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Christmas: The Gift of Hope

Monsignor Michael Billian: If we embrace the gift of hope that this day — this night — teaches us, we will live forevermore because of Christmas day.

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Homily April 3, 2016

Immaculate Conception: She said, ‘Yes’

Monsignor Michael Billian: That “Yes” turns the corner for humanity on the “No” of the Book of Genesis. Everything is different now because of her “Yes.”

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Lessons and Opportunities from the Year of Mercy

Monsignor Michael Billian: The gift of this year has been a springboard to a way of life, where we proclaim with all our being that God loves us and wraps us in his mercy so that we can share that precious gift with the world.

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