Sermons on “Luke”


Jesus is King

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus’ kingship is very different. Jesus’ kingship is allowing himself to be overshadowed totally for the sake of the mission that he was given by the father.

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Laborare est Orare (To work is to pray)

Father Jeremy Miller: Our labor should carry some spiritual significance. Our work has the potential to be spiritually enriching.

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Living with the End in Mind

Deacon Justin Moor: How would you most like to experience your own death and what does that say about the way you will live the rest of your days?

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What about Zacchaeus?

Father Jeremy Miller: We no longer have to climb a tree to see Jesus, he already climbed the tree of the cross to find us.

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The Dangers of Perfectionism in our Spiritual Life

Father Philip Smith: Perfectionism is an obstacle to true growth and change in our life.

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Dealing with Difficult Passages in Scripture

Father Jeremy Miller: When we say, ‘The Word of the Lord,’ even after a tough passage, let’s trust that God was at work in the formation of the scriptures and that it still remains to this day an essential and valuable guide to our growth and the fulfillment of our potential as human beings.

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Relationship Over Rules

Deacon Justin Moor: When the relationship comes first, then the rules can be understood within the proper context of helping us stay in right relationship with one another.

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Great Things have Small Beginnings

Father Jeremy Miller: We know anything worth doing often has really small beginnings and only then blossoms later after hard work and dedication. It’s true with our spiritual life, too.

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The Greatest Poverty

Father Jeremy Miller: The opposite of poverty is not wealth. It’s community. The opposite of poverty is not affluence. It’s relationships.

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The Biblical take on Wealth

Father Jeremy Miller: God wants us to be responsible with our financial resources.

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