Sermons on “Luke”


Breaking Open Our Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: At every Mass, God breaks open his heart for us, precisely that we will have the power and strength in the coming week to break open our hearts in love of others.

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You’re on Mute

Deacon Justin Moor: While Joseph didn’t talk the talk from a biblical perspective, he certainly walked the walk.

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Christmas: Embrace the Imperfection

Father Jeremy Miller: The quality of the wrapping of the gift is not always a great indicator of how great the gift is.

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Love Grows Best in Little Houses

Father Jeremy Miller: We’re reminded that in the imperfect, small, less-than-ideal circumstances of that stable 2,000 years ago, God did something extraordinary.

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Thanksgiving: In all circumstances give thanks

Father Jeremy Miller: I think it’s a challenge for all of us to try and find what’s redeeming always in the circumstances that life throws at us.

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Talk can be cheap

Father Jeremy Miller: Words can make us feel more virtuous than we actually are. Humility and integrity are the remedies.

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Why me? Why us?

Father Jeremy Miller: The only thing we do know is that the only grace and consolation comes from accepting it, from accepting the burden of that adventure and the cross that has been given to us and to finding a path forward that can give us meaning in life.

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Presentation of the Lord: Changing Perspectives

Father Jeremy Miller: The emergence and presentation of this child should reorient us, refocus us on what’s most important in life.

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Striving for Spiritual 20/20 vision

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary’s motherhood signaled a new beginning for humanity in the birth of Jesus. We also celebrate a new year being birthed within us, a new beginning.

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Christmas: God has already found us

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s let ourselves be found by God, the one who is already searching for us.

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