Sermons on “Matthew”


The Weeds and the Wheat

Father Jeremy Miller: To uproot too quickly, can sometimes cause great instability than what was trying to be repaired.

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Diagnosing the garden of our hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s make the garden of our hearts, the soil of our hearts, ready and responsive and conducive to the growth of God’s grace within us.

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Sharing the Burden

Father Jeremy Miller: We all carry burdens, but the good news is that we never carry them alone.

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First-Class Love

Deacon Justin Moor: With this approach of loving, we see Jesus in each member of our families. This is the moment when we stop letting the way our family members have loved us be the limiting factor in the way we love them.

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Ascension: Yo-Yo Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus ascends to the Father, but he remains incredibly active through the sacraments, through his spirit.

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Palm Sunday: God will not leave us

Father Jeremy Miller: We can still experience the spirit of Christ, even though we can’t have access right now to his bodily sacramental presence.

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Glow of God

Deacon Justin Moor: If we want to converse with God in his native tongue, silence is the language with which we should start the conversation.

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Our Game Plan for Lent

Father Jeremy Miller: Lent is about a game plan for areas where we are most vulnerable with sin and starting to grow in our trust of God.

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Ash Wednesday: Refocusing our Spiritual Navigation System

Father Jeremy Miller: In our internal, spiritual navigation systems every year, Lent is the time to refocus, to recalibrate, to reroute our spiritual lives and get back on the path that the Lord calls us to.

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Forming our conscience, not replacing it

Father Jeremy Miller: When God teaches us about morality in the scriptures, his goal is always to form our conscience, not replace it.

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