Sermons on “Matthew”


Unfulfilled Expectations

Homily from the First Sunday of Advent, 11/27/2022.

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Ash Wednesday: Looking at the End

Father Jeremy Miller: “All of the major human vices: Jesus gives us the recipe that we focus on during Lent to combat.”

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Epiphany: Keeping our Eyes Upward

Father Jeremy Miller: The Magi today give us a great image of keeping our eyes up and our spirits up in the midst of what can be difficult circumstances surrounding us.

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Holy Trinity: The One and the Many

Father Jeremy Miller: How do you bring unity out of plurality?

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Ash Wednesday: Clearing out space in our hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: Lent every year is an opportunity to take seriously that which is meant to help us grow in faith.

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Epiphany: Our transformational gifts to Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: We have the opportunity to begin 2021 to forge a new path, to offer gifts to Jesus, the gift of our heart.

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Jesus as Lord, as king of all creation

Father Jeremy Miller: This feast is meant to remind us that our primary allegiance is to Jesus as Lord, as king of all creation and Lord of our hearts.

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Making good, long-term decisions

Father Philip Smith: Prayer can provide stability for the stressful moments, the unexpected moments where we have to make difficult decisions.

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All Saints: We become like Him

Father Jeremy Miller: The fundamental vocation of every single Christian person is to become holy like Jesus, to become a saint.

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How to love

Father Jeremy Miller: Unless we have an authentic, healthy self-love, it hurts how we love others. We project onto our love of neighbor the ways that other people have wounded us in terms of loving us.

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