Sermons in “Easter”


Tapestry 3: Monica of Tagaste

Father Jeremy Miller: The central thing we learn from Monica is that our life circumstances do not have to determine our purpose.

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Tapestry 2: Augustine of Hippo

Father Jeremy Miller: He is such an important figure in our intellectual tradition. What I’m more interested in though is his moral conversion, his spiritual conversion and the fact that it was a journey, it was a process.

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Tapestry 1: Mary of Magdala

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary Magdalene is an incredible figure and she deserves a proper eulogy. She was an incredibly faithful woman who followed Jesus.

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Spiritual Maturity

Father Jeremy Miller: Our spiritual growth and maturity is measured by how much the spirit of Christ is moving through us.

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Characters of the Easter season

Father Jeremy Miller: All five of these characters have a place in the Easter story and they all belong at that empty tomb worshiping the risen Christ.

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Easter Vigil: From Darkness to Light

Father Jeremy Miller: It’s about progressive enlightenment, progressive illumination.

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Easter: We Belong Here

Father Jeremy Miller: However we got to the empty tomb this morning, we have a place there.

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Pentecost: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Deacon Justin Moor: I think it is safe to say we could all use more Holy Spirit in our lives.

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Ascension: Lift up your Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: As a metaphor, the Ascension is a wonderful way to see our mission as Christians – that we are called to be lifted up by God and therefore to rise above the things that trouble us and to bring others up with us.

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The Command to Love

Monsignor Michael Billian: The Mercy of God wipes out our past selfishness and leads us to respond to the Lord’s command to love others as he has loved us.

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