Sermons on “Community”


Breaking Open Our Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: At every Mass, God breaks open his heart for us, precisely that we will have the power and strength in the coming week to break open our hearts in love of others.

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Holy Thursday: F.E.E.T.

Father Jeremy Miller: Four things Jesus teaches us at the Last Supper: Forgiveness, Empathy, avoiding Entitlement, and Teaching (F.E.E.T.).

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Lenten Series: Almsgiving

Father Jeremy Miller: Every aspect of almsgiving, acting in mercy, has to grapple with our selfishness.

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Our need for God and for others

Father Jeremy Miller: We can’t do this alone. We cannot reach our full potential as human beings without relationships.

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Playing Hide-and-Seek with God

Deacon Justin Moor: By looking for God in different faces and places God could be hiding this Advent, we will be preparing to open the greatest Christmas gift: the gift of finding the fullness of God in our lives.

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Sharing the Burden

Father Jeremy Miller: We all carry burdens, but the good news is that we never carry them alone.

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Corpus Christi: Stabilizing our spiritual core

Father Jeremy Miller: I wanted to reflect today on what this feast and the gift of the Eucharist teaches us about the core of God, his heart, and how his heart speaks to our heart on this feast.

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Seeing the Holy Trinity with 3-D glasses

Father Jeremy Miller: When we get to eternal life, we put those glasses on, but for now, we see God indirectly. We see God through shadows, indirect reflections.

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Ascension: Yo-Yo Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus ascends to the Father, but he remains incredibly active through the sacraments, through his spirit.

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Holy Thursday: The effects of the Eucharist

Father Jeremy Miller: This is an opportunity to draw our attention to what the Eucharist is meant to do within us.

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