Sermons on “Community”


From Awe to Action

Father Jeremy Miller: Once we have this awe-filled moment with God, how do we translate it into action?

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Filling the Potholes of our Spiritual Asphalt

Father Jeremy Miller: How are we examining our foundation as a parish?

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Advent: Worshipping with our Heads Held High

Father Jeremy Miller: “We worship one who has told us he’s there with us past, present and future.”

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Lifting Others Up

Father Jeremy Miller: Are we more concerned with being first and celebrating our victories than we are about accompanying other people to the finish line?

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The Arms of Invitation

Father Jeremy Miller: We want those arms to signify that anyone at UToledo can find a spiritual home here.

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As For Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord

Father Jeremy Miller: Who or what do you serve, individually and as a parish?

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Leaders are Made

Father Jeremy Miller: “The good leader is the one who builds bridges.”

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Blueprint for Christian Discipleship

We’re all called to be disciples. Fr. Jeremy shares a blueprint for Christian Discipleship.

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Holy Trinity: The One and the Many

Father Jeremy Miller: How do you bring unity out of plurality?

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Be a Voice and an Echo

Father Jeremy Miller: For us as Christians, part of our job is to echo the voice of the Good Shepherd with our uniqueness.

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