Sermons on “Humility”


What about Zacchaeus?

Father Jeremy Miller: We no longer have to climb a tree to see Jesus, he already climbed the tree of the cross to find us.

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Great Things have Small Beginnings

Father Jeremy Miller: We know anything worth doing often has really small beginnings and only then blossoms later after hard work and dedication. It’s true with our spiritual life, too.

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The Greatest Poverty

Father Jeremy Miller: The opposite of poverty is not wealth. It’s community. The opposite of poverty is not affluence. It’s relationships.

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Prioritizing the One

Father Jeremy Miller: God thinks about us as a parent who hates to see one child wander, not a part of the family.

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Carrying our Cross

Father Jeremy Miller: Everybody has crosses, and Jesus is here to tell us that we are not meant to carry the crosses and burdens and sufferings of our life alone.

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The True Nature of Humility

Father Jeremy Miller: I think it takes much more strength to be humble than to be proud.

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Welcoming with Open Arms

Father Jeremy Miller: I’ve always thought that these two glass peaks look like arms reaching out across Dorr Street to campus, embracing the students, the faculty, the staff, anyone that comes into this building, with the arms of God and the arms of this community of faith who embraces them.

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Tapestry 12: Oscar Romero

Father Jeremy Miller: Romero said we cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.

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Tapestry 9: Mohandas Gandhi

Father Jeremy Miller: Gandhi teaches us that if we want to reform the world, we have to start with our own heart.

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Tapestry 6: Thomas Aquinas

Father Jeremy Miller: He’s known as a philosopher-theologian principally, but I think the primary way to see St. Thomas Aquinas is as someone who was obsessed with friendship with God.

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